For anybody who’s interested in seeing an upcoming concert, here is the information about the gala concert I’m performing in with Voices in Harmony. Enjoy! Gala Concert Information The Venue
For anybody who’s interested in seeing an upcoming concert, here is the information about the gala concert I’m performing in with Voices in Harmony. Enjoy! Gala Concert Information The Venue
I can’t tell you how often I’ve been studying a piece and wished I could easily hear how a particular word is pronounced…well, I just found a website that I think will be extremely helpful to me when I’m dealing with languages or words that I’m not really familiar with. It claims to have “all the words in the world, pronounced”… (more…)
Here is a video of me singing Comfort Ye and Every Valley, from Handel’s Messiah, with Voices in Harmony.
I know I’ve got audio of this from a different performance, but here is a video of me singing “Thou Shalt Break Them” from Handel’s Messiah.
Here is a video of me singing O sole mio with members of the Elgin Opera.
One of the things I’m constantly asked is how a person can keep their throat lubricated when they sing. A lot of singers I know absolutely swear by water, but I’ve always found that, in the moment, that actually makes my problem worse. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really, really important to drink lots of water throughout the day to… (more…)
This is a video of me performing Torna surriento in a gala concert with the members of the Elgin Opera. Francesco Milioto conducts.
Here is a video of me singing “Olim Lacus Lacueram” with the Grant Park Chorus this summer. For an outdoor venue, the sound is really pretty incredible!